Samuels Ranch has been in our family for over a century.
Originally homesteaded in 1892, this land has been lovingly stewarded by subsequent generations of the Samuels Family. Our grandparents, Arlene and Shad Samuels, instilled in us a lasting love of the land, and the conviction that the ranch must outlive each of us.
For over a century, our family has cared about the sustainability of our land management practices. Whether it was harvesting firewood, hunting for food, or livestock grazing, we have always taken care not to take too much, not to abuse this land that we love. Sustainable stewardship has long been our goal.
Now we have come to realize that to be sustainable, we need to sustain our ranching family as well.
Sustainable agriculture is defined as:
“an integrated system of plant and animal production … that will over the long term:
Satisfy human food and fiber needs.
Enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends.
Make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls.
Sustain the economic viability of farm operations.
Enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.”
As a family and as land stewards, we spent so much of our lives focused on producing food and fiber and enhancing the land, that we neglected our own economic viability and quality of life.
That is why Samuels Ranch Sustainable was born.
Our mission is to fully embrace the concept of sustainable agriculture, to protect and enhance our beloved Samuels Ranch, to produce food and fiber for our growing community, to continue to use sustainable practices and to share those practices with our community, and to enhance the quality of life for ourselves and our community through sharing the bounty of Samuels Ranch with you, our neighbors.
Your support will directly improve our ability to spend more time and resources on our sustainable practices. We hope you will join us, we would love to show you what makes Samuels Ranch so special.

We heat our homes with wood from dead and downed trees. It also reduces fuel loading in the case of wildfire.

We are entirely family owned and operated.
We shear our own sheep, we pick our own walnuts.

Jasmine Barsukov
Jasmine's passion is grazing management and rangeland ecology.
Jasmine went to college to learn the latest best management practices to bring back to the ranch. Her degrees are in Cellular/Molecular Biology, Rangeland Resource Science, and Animal and Range Sciences. Her MS was on targeted grazing in an integrated crop production system. She has worked for the US Forest Service and lectured at Humboldt State University on Rangeland and Animal Science topics. Her off-ranch job is Stewardship Project Manager for Solano Land Trust.

Yuri Barsukov
Yuri's passion is sustainability in all forms.
Yuri Barsukov first came to Samuels Ranch in 2017. All of the animals instantly loved him, which deeply impressed Jasmine and Arlene.
Now married to Jasmine, Yuri continues to charm all four-legged family members, from rams to donkeys. Yuri is an electrician with experience in solar, and is in the process of converting all of the houses and wells on the off-grid property to solar.

Whitney Westbrook
Whitney's passion is education and curriculum development.
Whitney attended the competitive Hutchins's School of Liberal Studies, earning a BA and teaching credential at a young age. She then achieved a Masters in Environmental Education and is pursuing her PhD! Whitney specializes in elementary education, and knows that all children can learn science. Whitney's off-ranch jobs are teaching at Donaldson Way Elementary, and training teachers to teach science as a Professional Learning Specialist with Amplify Education.
Kathy Westbrook
Kathy's passion is gardening.
Kathy is the only full-time "staff member " for the ranch, having retired from teaching. Kathy does most of the day-to-day, with the others helping as they can.
Kathy is Jasmine & Whitney's mother, as well as having been mother to innumerable bottle lambs.
Kathy is the only reason the Samuels Ranch roses haven't completely died in droughts or been entirely devoured by errant sheep.

Women at Work
From 1985 to 2018, Samuels Ranch was entirely run by strong, independent women.
Arlene Samuels, beloved mother and grandmother, ran the ranch with the help of her daughter and granddaughters, after the death of her husband, best friend, and partner, Shad Samuels.
Everything good that we do, is in honor of you, Grandma.

"I had no idea you could see the Bay from here! "
~Mike M.

"It's a beautiful venue... usually, you would pay twice as much for this kind of space, and it's so private!"
~ Vera B., Sister of the Groom

“This view is breathtaking.”
~ Kaitlyn Landes