Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When are you open?
We are not open for walk-ins, but we are flexible with our scheduled opportunities. Weekends are easiest for us and seem to be most popular, but the occasional weekday can work out as well, especially for early morning or evening visitors. Please contact us at SamuelsRanch@gmail.com to schedule your visit! We are never open during fire season, due to safety concerns.
Where are you? Napa? Vacaville? It’s so confusing!
Our ranch perches on the mountain that separates Napa and Solano Counties. Most of the ranch is technically in Napa County, as it is on the west side of the ridgeline. Our driveway and address are on the west side (the left-hand side as you drive towards us) so it is a Napa zip code. Our closest towns are Vacaville and Winters, though.
Do you provide photographers?
No, we are just the venue. We have a growing list of photographers who are familiar with the property, and we can provide that list, but ultimately, it is very important that you pick a photographer who has a similar aesthetic to yours. You will not love your pictures if you and the photographer have different ideas of what makes a good photo, trust us.
Why aren’t you open in the summer? It’s vacation season!
Unfortunately, summer here is fire season. We spend most of the fire season in a state of anxious preparation, watching for signs of fire, ready to bring sheep in from farther afield, and even evacuate the animals if needed. Safety is our first priority, and we couldn’t be responsible for your safety in the case of an emergency. We are accessed up a one-lane road, and frankly, it could be dangerous to have people who are unfamiliar with the road trying to navigate it under fire season conditions. Summer is also rattlesnake season, it can be dreadfully hot, and even our views are negatively impacted by the increased smog and smoke of summer air. You will have a much nicer time Autumn-Spring!
What if we schedule and it rains?
If it is a light rain and the road conditions are still safe, we will let you decide if you want to keep that date or reschedule. If it’s too rainy, we will work with you to find a different date.
Why do you charge for hikes, etc.?
We are a private, small family farm, not a nonprofit NGO, and this is not an Open Space park. In opening up our ranch to the possibility of visitors, we have greatly increased the costs of liability insurance, road maintenance, etc.. We need to charge to offset those increased costs. We are also providing services, and our time is worth something.
Why do I need to accompany my child on hikes? Why can’t they go with a friend?
Safety is our priority. There are risks inherent with any outdoor activity. In the unlikely event that your child should need medical attention, a guardian would be necessary to make decisions. We are especially concerned about younger children whose allergies to plants and insects may not be known, and who would likely not know their own medical information. If your child were stung by a bee and seemed to be having an allergic reaction, would your friend or neighbor know which hospital to take them to?
Do you have ticks/snakes/poison oak?
Yes, we do. This is a working ranch with mostly natural vegetation and habitats. We will strive to observe all possible safety measures, and it is one reason we insist on guided access, and on our clothing/footwear guidelines. We will do our best to remind you to check for ticks, and to guide you away from poison oak. While rattlesnakes are present, most of the snakes we see are gopher snakes or garter snakes, which are non-venomous.
Can I see everything on the property?
This is a working ranch and a private residence. Multiple households live on the property, and we value our privacy. Some parts of the ranch are off-limits to visitors because they are busily being used, others are in someone’s front yard, and some areas have sensitive species. You may see pictures online that don’t match where you go on a tour, because we post quite a few pictures from our front doorsteps.
Can you guarantee I see a certain plant or animal?
Possibly not. We can keep an eye out for particular plants, and we will let you know if there’s a good chance to see them when you reach out to us. We may be able to plan your hike to include that plant. The animals are more difficult. Our wildlife are, well, wild! We can’t make them sit for pictures.
Feel free to email us with your unanswered questions!