How you can help
Help on the ranch
We have a lot of work ahead of us. We are organizing work days for many tasks, including:
Replacing fences
Clearing fallen trees
Stacking sheet metal from damaged barns
Collecting acorns
Delivering materials or hay
Please watch our Facebook page for help requests or contact us via email.
We can provide some n95 masks, and neoprene gloves for our volunteers. We do wear masks and all work is outside. It's usually easy to maintain social distance with our work tasks.
Help from Home
Are you interested in helping, but our schedules don't align? We have a few building projects that anyone with a few simple tools can do in their own backyard or garage.
Sign Backs
We have several miles of property boundary fence to replace, and we need to put up "no trespassing" signs. We need 9" x 12" wooden backs for the signs. This keeps them from ripping off in windy weather. A sign that blows away becomes trash in the environment.
How to make:
Cut 9" x 12" rectangles from plywood or other sturdy material. Recycled wood is fine!
One 4' x 8' standard sheet of plywood would make 40 of these!
Wooden panels
We need wooden panels to use in a variety of ways:
Lambing pens, also known as cells or jugs, are used to help a newborn lamb and its mother bond before they rejoin the herd. This year, we anticipate higher than average predator pressure, so we want to have the option to keep young lambs and their mothers in the barn longer.
Isolation pens can be used to keep our recovering burn victims separate while still being in the same space as other sheep.
Coral panels and chutes
How to make:
Wooden panels need to be made to specific guidelines so they all fit together.
This is more of an intermediate project.
Please contact us if you are interesting in making wooden panels!